I created a procedure to create a view dynamically using a shuttle item in APEX that returns the colon separated values. Here's the code to create it.
create or replace procedure create_temporary_view (input_employees in varchar2) is
execute immediate 'create or replace view temp_batch_id as with emps(shuttle_item) as
(select '''||input_employees||''' from dual)
select regexp_substr(shuttle_item, ''[^:]+'', 1, level) batch_id from emps connect by level <= regexp_count(shuttle_item, '':'') + 1;';
And inside the Execute PL/SQL code dynamic action i added the code something like
where :P12_EMPLOYEES is the shuttle item giving the colon separated values. Apparently this piece of code works when i do it from the SQL Commands tab in Oracle APEX but the procedure isn't getting called from the EXECUTE PL/SQL code dynamic action. Is there a specific reason for it? If yes, what is it? If not, what could be the possible errors? Thanks in Advance.
It looks like you're trying to tokenize your
variable. This is not the right way to do this. Apex has a built-in PL/SQL function for doing this:this will give you a
collection, split by colons.Why your approach is a bad idea, consider what happens if two users are using your application at the same time. You'll create a view visible to both users with data from only one.
I'm not sure what's your final goal, but I wouldn't create any table or view from APEX like that.
I think you actually want to populate a collection.
Have a look at how to create/populate collection in APEX and I think you'll find whatever you're trying to do.