First of all, I could not even chose the method to use, i'm reading for hours now and someone says use 'Handlers', someone says use 'Timer'. Here's what I try to achieve:
At preferences, theres a setting(checkbox) which to enable / disable the repeating job. As that checkbox is checked, the timer should start to work and the thread should be executed every x seconds. As checkbox is unchecked, timer should stop.
Here's my code:
Checking whether if checkbox is checked or not, if checked 'refreshAllServers' void will be executed which does the job with timer.
boolean CheckboxPreference = prefs.getBoolean("checkboxPref", true);
if(CheckboxPreference == true) {
Main main = new Main();
} else {
Main main = new Main();
The refreshAllServers void that does the timer job:
public void refreshAllServers(String start) {
if(start == "start") {
// Start the timer which will repeatingly execute the thread
} else {
// stop the timer
And here's how I execute my thread: (Works well without timer)
Thread myThread = new MyThread(-5);
What I tried?
I tried any example I could see from Google (handlers, timer) none of them worked, I managed to start the timer once but stoping it did not work. The simpliest & understandable code I saw in my research was this:
new java.util.Timer().schedule(
new java.util.TimerTask() {
public void run() {
// your code here
"[ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor] class is preferable to Timer when multiple worker threads are needed, or when the additional flexibility or capabilities of ThreadPoolExecutor (which this class extends) are required."
It's not much more than the handler, but has the option of running exactly every so often (vice a delay after each computation completion).
Just simply use below snippet
To stop it use
Should do the trick.
Thanks to everyone, I fixed this issue with using Timer.
Use a CountDownTimer. The way it works is it will call a method on each tick of the timer, and another method when the timer ends. At which point you can restart if needed. Also I think you should probably be kicking off AsyncTask rather than threads. Please don't try to manage your own threads in Android. Try as below. Its runs like a clock.
I would think to use AlarmManager
If checkbox is on call method where
If checkbox is off cancel alarm manager