I have been digging into the question for a while in StackOverflow Android get Current UTC time and How can I get the current date and time in UTC or GMT in Java?
I have tried two ways to get the current time of my phone in GMT. I am in Spain and the difference is GMT+2. So let's see with an example: 1º attemp: I created a format and applied it to System.currentTimeMillis();
DateFormat dfgmt = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
String gmtTime = dfgmt.format(new Date());
//Using System.currentTimeMillis() is the same as new Date()
Date dPhoneTime = dfgmt.parse(gmtTime);
Long phoneTimeUTC = dPhoneTime.getTime();
I need to substract that time to another time, that's why i do the cast to Long.
DateFormat df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
Date arrivalDate = df.parse(item.getArrivalDate());
//the String comes from JSON and is for example:"UTC_arrival":"2011-05-16 18:00:00"
//which already is in UTC format. So the DateFormat doesnt have the GMT paramater as dfgmt
diff = arrival.getTime() - phoneTimeUTC ;
I also tried this:
Calendar aGMTCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
Long phoneTimeUTC = aGMTCalendar.getTimeInMillis()
And still I dont get the right difference. But if I do this:
Long phoneTimeUTC = aGMTCalendar.getTimeInMillis()-3600000*2;
It does work OK.
Any ideas?
Thanks a lot,
As far as I read the calendar.getTimeInMillis(); returns the UTC time in millis. I used the following code and compared it to the Epoch in this site
you can always use:
Works fine.
This works for sure!
Specify the format, and you will get it in GMT!
Have a look and see if that works.