If the input files in XML format, I shouldn't be using TextInputFormat because TextInputFormat assumes each record is in each line of the input file and the Mapper class is called for each line to get a Key Value pair for that record/line.
So I think we need a custom input format to scan the XML datasets.
Being new to Hadoop mapreduce, is there any article/link/video that shows the steps to build a custom input format?
thanks nath
Problem Working on a single XML file in parallel in MapReduce is tricky because XML does not contain a synchronization marker in its data format. Therefore, how do we work with a file format that’s not inherently splittable like XML?
Solution MapReduce doesn’t contain built-in support for XML, so we have to turn to another Apache project, Mahout, a machine learning system, which provides an XML InputFormat.
So I mean no need to have custom input format since Mahout library present. I am not sure, whether you are going to read or write but both were described in above link.
Pls have a look at XmlInputFormat implementation details here.
XmlInputFormat extends TextInputFormat