Using the g++ compiler that came with code::blocks I can compile 32bit programmes but when I try to compile to a 64bit programme it tells me that 64 bit isn't implemented, even though I have 64bit os.
How can I compile c++ to make a 64bit exe?
Using the g++ compiler that came with code::blocks I can compile 32bit programmes but when I try to compile to a 64bit programme it tells me that 64 bit isn't implemented, even though I have 64bit os.
How can I compile c++ to make a 64bit exe?
Download the 64-bit version of gcc, or recompile it yourself with 64-bit support.
I think mingw comes with a version of gcc that can compile 64-bit binaries.
Code:Blocks supports Visual Studio as the compiler, you can download it here, also the fact you have a 64 bit OS has got nothing to do with whether you can compile 64 but code, it even has nothing to do with the CPU architecture, think about it, you can compile Android code in Linux, OSX and Windows and you are not running on an ARM CPU. The Code:Blocks page tells you how to configure it to use the MS compiler.
If you want the 64 bit compiler you need to install either the SDK or the WDK
Download Microsoft Visual C++, and set the target to 64-bit.
Why make programming harder than it needs to be?
If you are not limited to gcc, you can use Microsoft's compiler from Visual Studio Express 2010 with Windows SDK (both are free) and you can configure Visual C++ Projects to Target 64-Bit Platforms