I am crafting a small project in mixed C and C++. I am building one small-ish state-machine at the heart of one of my worker thread.
I was wondering if you gurus on SO would share your state-machine design techniques.
NOTE: I am primarily after tried & tested implementation techniques.
UPDATED: Based on all the great input gathered on SO, I've settled on this architecture:
A very nice template-based C++ state machine "framework" is given by Stefan Heinzmann in his article.
Since there's no link to a complete code download in the article, I've taken the liberty to paste the code into a project and check it out. The stuff below is tested and includes the few minor but pretty much obvious missing pieces.
The major innovation here is that the compiler is generating very efficient code. Empty entry/exit actions have no cost. Non-empty entry/exit actions are inlined. The compiler is also verifying the completeness of the statechart. Missing actions generate linking errors. The only thing that is not caught is the missing
.This is a very nice alternative to Miro Samek's implementation, if you can live without what's missing -- this is far from a complete UML Statechart implementation, although it correctly implements the UML semantics, whereas Samek's code by design doesn't handle exit/transition/entry actions in correct order.
If this code works for what you need to do, and you have a decent C++ compiler for your system, it will probably perform better than Miro's C/C++ implementation. The compiler generates a flattened, O(1) transition state machine implementation for you. If the audit of assembly output confirms that the optimizations work as desired, you get close to theoretical performance. Best part: it's relatively tiny, easy to understand code.
Test code follows.
The other answers are good, but a very "lightweight" implementation I've used when the state machine is very simple looks like:
I would use this when the state machine is simple enough that the function pointer & state transition table approach is overkill. This is often useful for character-by-character or word-by-word parsing.
You might consider the State Machine Compiler http://smc.sourceforge.net/
This splendid open source utility accepts a description of a state machine in a simple language and compiles it to any one of a dozen or so languages - including C and C++. The utility itself is written in Java, and can be included as part of a build.
The reason to do this, rather than hand coding using GoF State pattern or any other approach, is that once your state machine is expressed as code, the underlying structure tends to disappear under the weight of boilerplate that needs to be generated to support it. Using this approach gives you an excellent separation of concerns, and you keep the structure of your state machine 'visible'. The auto-generated code goes into modules that you don't need to touch, so that you can go back and fiddle with the state machine's structure without impacting the supporting code that you have written.
Sorry, I am being over-enthusiastic, and doubtless putting everyone off. But it is a top notch utility, and well-documented too.
You could use the open source library OpenFST.
Be sure to check the work of Miro Samek (blog State Space, website State Machines & Tools), whose articles at the C/C++ Users Journal were great.
The website contains a complete (C/C++) implementation in both open source and commercial license of a state machine framework (QP Framework), an event handler (QEP), a basic modeling tool (QM) and a tracing tool (QSpy) which allow to draw state machines, create code and debug them.
The book contains an extensive explanation on the what/why of the implementation and how to use it and is also great material to gain understanding of the fundamentals of hierachical and finite state machines.
The website also contains links to several board support packages for use of the software with embedded platforms.