How to use __mocks__ in a React Native project wit

2019-08-14 16:10发布

I'm building a React Native app and I'm writing my unit tests using Jest.

(As you can see from this question,) I'm writing a function that checks if there is a network connection.

Here is the function (checkNetwork.ts):

import { NetInfo } from "react-native";
import { NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION } from "../../../../config/constants/errors";

const checkNetwork = (): Promise<boolean | string> =>
  new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      .then(isConnected => (isConnected ? resolve(true) : reject(NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION)))
      .catch(() => reject(NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION));

export default checkNetwork;

Now I want to mock this function when testing another function that makes API calls.

I created a folder called __mocks__ adjacent to checkNetwork.ts inside checkNetwork/ (see folder structure below). In it I created another file called checkNetwork.ts, too, which contains the mock and looks like this:

const checkNetwork = () => new Promise(resolve => resolve(true));

export default checkNetwork;

The function that uses this function makes a simple fetch request (postRequests.ts):

import checkNetwork from "../../core/checkNetwork/checkNetwork";

export const postRequestWithoutHeader = (fullUrlRoute: string, body: object) =>
  checkNetwork().then(() =>
    fetch(fullUrlRoute, {
      method: "POST",
      body: JSON.stringify(body),
      headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
    }).then(response =>
      response.json().then(json => {
        if (!response.ok) {
          return Promise.reject(json);
        return json;

The folder structure looks like this:

  ├── app/
  │   ├── services/
  │   │   ├── utils/
  │   │   │    └── core/
  │   │   │        └── checkNetwork/
  │   │   │              └── checkNetwork.ts
  │   │   ├── serverRequests/
  │   │   │    └── POST/
  │   │   │        └── postRequests.ts
  │   .   .
  │   .   .
  │   .   .

I then created another file called postRequests.test.ts within POST/ to write unit tests for postRequests.test.ts. I would now expect for Jest to automatically use the mock which returns true. But what is actually happening is that the test fails returning NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION. How can I get Jest to use the mock?

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