I have created a pie chart using matplotlib below:
labels = ['dogs','cats','birds','fish']
sizes = [34, 24,18,13]
pie = plt.pie(sizes,autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=90)
plt.legend( loc = 'right', labels=labels)
(sorry I do not know how to show the pie chart on here)
Instead of having the percentages on the pie slices, is there a way to put these percentages within the legend so that the legend reads:
dogs, 34%
cats, 24%
birds, 18%
fish, 13%
I know I can just change the "labels" to read the above as the fastest and most elegant way, but what if you do not know "sizes" until after the code is ran?
I assume by the time you draw the legend, you should know
. Something like this would do it:plt.legend( loc = 'right', labels=['%s, %1.1f %%' % (l, s) for l, s in zip(labels, sizes)])