I'm currently running into issues when searching for entries where the DN contains a comma:
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(dn, "=");
Attributes searchAttributes = new BasicAttributes(st.nextToken(), st.nextToken());
Enumeration results = ctx.search(baseDn, searchAttributes);
if (results.hasMoreElements()) {
// ...
I tested both dn=first,second
as well as dn=first\,second
, and although the search runs correctly, I never get any results back. The same baseDn and dn works correctly in Eclipse/Apache Directory Studio LDAP Browser.
depends of libraries, for example by using Novell ldap.jar is constuctor
again depends or libraries, because maybe Directory Studio LDAP Browser has own driver, and some methods are implemented another maybe not, for example with ldap.jar is able to seach in ActiveDirectory
basically all libraries (including Java driver for Windows ActiveDirectory) contains tons of examples packed with library, for most importand of methods which are implemented into driver
hmmm, but there are two relevant
1/ access for context given by admin (between enviroments) 2/ with ActiveDirectory (always) and with (old PC) test enviroment for LDAP I must force for thread(s) some small pause
// thenafter I can able to start Iterations....
The quoting rules for ldap queries can be found at http://www.rlmueller.net/CharactersEscaped.htm
I'm using the following code snippet to query the cn, should work teh same for the dn: