This is my template file outerLayout.html:
<section id="index-wrapper">
<navigation id="menu">menu1</navigation>
<article id="content">main content</article>
<footer id="footer">footer</footer>
This is my outerLayout.js
var $ = require('jquery');
var Backbone = require('backbone');
Backbone.$ = $;
var Maronette = require('backbone.marionette');
var compiledTpl = require('./outerLayout.html');
//'compiledTpl({})', compiledTpl({}));'compiledTpl({})', compiledTpl({}));
var OuterLayout = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
template: compiledTpl({}),
el: '#main',
regions: {
menu: '#menu',
content: '#content',
footer: '#footer'
module.exports = new OuterLayout();
Here are the code in router to render the layoutView:
var AppRouter = Backbone.Marionette.AppRouter.extend({
routes : {
'': 'index'
index : function () {
var outerLayout = require('../layout/outerLayout/outerLayout');
The render result is:
But the result should be this one:
In short words, the render function removed tag which is not my objective. How can I fix it?
Problems comes from
.As you can see from annotations of functions you need to override them in order to user other templates rather than Underscore's
.And the actual line from definition of
which is responsible for this behavior (your issue) is:cause, in case you didn't rewrited
, Marionette will assume that you using default underscore's templates (If you will try it with underscore it will work as expected).Example:
If you using Handlebars for templates:
So just rewrite these methods and you ready to go!