I come across this exception in my .net core app (.net core 2.1 and I'm using service stack 5.2).
Method not found: 'ServiceStack.Web.INameValueCollection ServiceStack.Web.IRequest.get_QueryString()'.
It comes from one of the plugins originally, but I can't figure out why. Code breaks on this line here.
session.ReferrerUrl = GetReferrerUrl(authService, session, request);
Btw, in app console I also get this:
warn: ServiceStack.Serialization.StringMapTypeDeserializer[0] Property 'redirect' does not exist on type 'ServiceStack.Authenticate'
...but I don't think that's related to the exception above.
Any hints what might be a problem?
There is no INameValueCollection on IRequest anymore that was replaced last year with
from v5+, whatever v4 code you have that's using it needs to be recompiled with the same version as the rest of your project.To get a clean upgrade make sure all your projects are referencing the same ServiceStack version, delete your
folders and try restoring from NuGet again.If it’s still an issue clear your NuGet Cache and restore again:
This is irrelevant it's just a warning that there was a
property on Request DTOs, I've added it to the ignore list in this commit.