I am using a payment button generator for a specific selection of items that creates a pre-made radio list of prices. When you select the amount/item you want, you then click "continue" and it triggers the modal payment box (which then goes to PayPal). All of that is working great. The problem is the pre-made option gives you NO place to add descriptions or paragraphs or any other html. So I have added a list of items above using basic html and content and am now trying to trigger the corrosponding radio selector on-click.
My unordered list of items are wrapped in a basic div and each item has a custom ID.
<div id="items-container">
<li id="item1"><div>my content</div></li>
<li id="item2"><div>my content</div></li>
Directly below this block of code is the pre-generated form from the payment module I am using. It generates a checkbox selection for prices like this:
<form method="post" action="#">
<ul id="prices-wrap-radio-list">
<input type="radio" value="10.00" id="level-1" name="price-level" data-price-id="1">
<label for="level-1">Level 1</label>
<input type="radio" value="20.00" id="level-2" name="price-level" data-price-id="2">
<label for="level-2">Level 2</label>
(and so on). Is there any way to force the form to select the corrosponding level with the items in the list above? Can I wrap my LI tag with a link tag that triggers the checkbox for that specific item/level? Or would I need some jQuery for that?
If JQuery is allowed:
Just give list items appropriate attributes:
EDIT: If you can't change HTML structure, try with this: