Is it guaranteed that 'change:property' events are always fired before 'change' events? Here is an example:
MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
property1: 'value1',
property2: 'value2'
var myModel = new MyModel();
myModel.bind('change:property1', function () { alert("change pty1"); })
.bind('change', function () { alert("change"); })
.bind('change:property2', function () { alert("change pty2"); });
Is it guaranteed that the function bound to 'change' will be fired last?
Short answer: yes
Looking at the source code, yes the
are fired in the loop, and after that, if there was any change, the mainchange
event will fire. None of these will fire if you passedsilent: true
.The order of the individual change events firing depends on the order of the attributes passed to