I have a C# program that I want to run automatically every night without me having to do this,
I believe there is a way of doing this by setting an automated task however im not sure how to do this?
P.S. not sure if this helps but it has a .exe file in its library.
Thanks in advance.
Have a look at Windows Scheduled Tasks, not sure if it's available only on Windows Server or also XP, Vista, 7...
You can use "Scheduled Tasks" on windows. You could also write your application as a "Windows Service". By this, it would run all the time on a machine, without someone creating a scheduled task.
You can schedule tasks to run at whatever interval you like. I don't know what version of Windows you are using but here's how to it in Windows XP
Windows scheduled tasks is the right way.
Look here for more information.
And here for how to do it in Windows 7
What about registering this as a scheduled task?
Go to Control Panel -> Scheduled tasks.
Here you can easily add your exe as a task and choose when and how often to run your task.
In Windows 7 this is changed somewhat, but you can find it in
Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> Task Scheduler