I have one domain such as http://www.mydomain.com and I have multple domains pointing to the same location in IIS by defining host headers, such as http://www.myONEdomain.com, http://www.myTWODomain.com, etc.
In the code I use Request.Url.Host to determine which url the user came from and then I act differently in each page based on the domain.
HOWEVER, if the user logs in at www.mydomain.com, they also need access to myONEdomain, myTWOdomain, etc.
Does anyone know how I can acheive this in .net authentication?
Obvisously, the login from the first domain works correctly, but as soon as the user clicks on a link that redirects them to a different domain, there is some functions that they are unable to do because the IsAuthenticated method returns false.
I hope I explained the situation well and that it makes sense, if not please ask.
Thanks in advance!!
Ironically I came across a rather extensive document of this just yesterday. I personally use a behind the scene API to pass a session from the main login gateway to sister sites, but this explains the process in great detail:
The first thing that comes to my mind is to make a cross-domain cookie.