using symbolic calculation in Python I have
import sympy
from cmath import *
from mpmath import arg, cplot
z = sympy.symbols('z')
g = lambda w: sympy.sympify(fhandle).evalf(subs={z: w})
# Returns: -3.0 + 4.0*I
# hence the next command fails, because I is expected to be 1j
cplot(g, [-3,3], [-3,3])
Crawling the web I only found this which will fix the matter for the print
command, but will not work with cplot.
Any suggestions?
One option is to wrap the result by calling
:After which
mpmath.cplot(g, [-3, 3], [-3, 3])
producesNote that I've used a named function here. There's not much point to using a
if you're going to immediately give it a name anyhow.