I have a simple HTML form which starts with a select menu where the user can select from a list of Projects. I've created a simple JSFiddle with the HTML form here:
What I would like to happen is that when the user selects from the list it triggers a php script to be performed which takes the value from the ProjectNumber they have selected and passes this as a parameter, e.g. if I select Project A the URL would be:
This php script will then return a new table cell which I would then like to appear as the 2nd cell in the form. It contains a new select menu with the values changing depending on the selection in the first select menu. This php page is working well manually, but I'm at the point now where I need to have it triggered when the user makes a selection from the Project Number menu.
I'm new to AJAX and would like to start with a simple example one step at a time whilst I learn. I'm happy to use jQuery if that makes things easier.
Appreciate any pointers to what the basic elements I need to include (assuming at least one js file etc).
I have something very similar that I use:
The above just calls the showUser function with the parameter that is the projectNumber
Then below that I have:
This script will call the url url.com/ajax/whateverIdIsSelected
From that page, you want to do whatever you have to do with your query.
As for what to return, I have this set up to use json, which I why I have the line
this.reponseText is what is returned from the ajax page. My return call looks like this
Where $project is an array containing your project's attributes.
I'm not very good with ajax or js, but I got this working the way I like it. Let me know if you have questions
Pass id to the option select list
Then call a method having these and then parse it via Ajax call.
First you need to bind the JQuery
Handler to your drop down menu, calling a function that starts the ajax request, have a look at the jQuery get function you need to do something like this:where
is the output of getProjectPhases, so it might be a good idea to just output plain text and no html tags or what ever.