I have a larger database and I'd like to create entities for 4 tables. I'v been referencing this Symfony Cookbook but it's not help quite getting me where I want to be.
Step 1 - Import From Database
php app/console doctrine:mapping:import --force AcmeBlogBundle xml
Question Here: Can you import specific tables? or all tables that start with 'Abc%'?) What command would do this?
Step 2 - Convert the import to Annotaction|Yml|XML
php app/console doctrine:mapping:convert annotation ./src
Problem here: Even if I delete the imported files and leave the specific orm.xml I'm interested in, they still seem to affect this command. Is there a cache to clear or something??
Step 3 -- Create the Entities
php app/console doctrine:generate:entities AcmeBlogBundle
I haven't had any problems here.. However, getting to this point requires creating and deleting a lot of unnecessary files which is a real headache from a version control perspective.
I think the steps should be done in below arrange and you need to use
for the specific table:Step1
Step2 Now you can apply importing