Let's admit, I create new package in Delphi Xe2. I keep under a name "My". I add a simple component "MyComponent". I compile, I receive file Bpl in C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\9.0\Bpl\My.bpl.
I add a platform "Win x64". I compile, I receive C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\9.0\Bpl\Win64\My.bpl.
...\Bpl\Win64\My.bpl to establish as new package does not give, writes "is not windows x32 applications". The first is established normally and on a palette the component appears "MyComponent". If to bring to are mute the index of a mouse will appear hint where it will be written, that it x32-compatible. And at native component Delphi - at all x32-64 compatible. Together with a disk to Xe2 there is a free disk with Free and Tral components if to put therefrom for example OverByteIcs or Ip*Works, that at them at all components will be 32-64х compatibility.
Questions: 1. How to establish the x64 the version package? 2. How to achieve, that the component had a compatibility 32-64, and not just 32?
P.S. Bad English language: ON
The Delphi IDE is 32 bit and so can only load 32 bit designtime packages. You can of course create 64 bit runtime packages.
Has earned, has understood!
We keep, we compile under x32. We add a platform x64 (in options should be registered, that directories under platforms different). We compile under x64. We receive 2 BPL (as in the first question). We establish x32. We look - new component ButtonGu - 32-64 compatible was added.
Here I that wanted, all thanks. In addition http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/en/64-bit_Cross-Platform_Application_Development_for_Windows