Say I have an an array of numbers:
int[] that = new [] {1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 8, 9, 7};
I'm trying to display them so that the numbers that are increasing have their own line. For example the result would be:
1 2 3
2 4 8 9
I'm able to do the first row using,
for (int i = 1; i < that.Length; i++)
if (that[i-1] < that[i])
Console.Write(that[i-1] + " ");
The thing is this works for the first row because 1-3 are increasing but stops after that. I'm not exactly sure how to continue so that 2 4 8 9, then 7 are written.
I have a feeling this is homework so I'm going to leave the actual coding to you. But here's how to do it in plain language:
You never create a new line.
Couple of remarks:
as a variable name. It's a reserved keyword.\n
as a newline character.There are a number of ways you can do this, either by appending a string with characters until a lesser one is reached and then using the Console.WriteLine() command to write the entire string at once, or (the easier way given your code) which is to simply test for the new value being lesser than the previous and inserting a newline character into your text.