Given a document with this text, indexed in a field named Content:
The dish ran away with the spoon.
The following query fails to match that document:
+Content:dish +(-Content:xyz) <-- no results!
The query should be treated as must include "dish", must not include "xyz". It's the "must not" part that is failing.
I know the +- combination looks funny but syntactically it should be correct, especially considering that the following variations all work:
+Content:dish +(-Content:xyz +Content:spoon) <-- this works
+Content:dish -Content:xyz <-- this works
So why doesn't +(-Content:xyz)
work? Is that by design, or a bug, or am I just missing something? I'm using Lucene.Net but I assume regular Lucene behaves the same.
Lucene doesn't start with a full view of everything, like a SQL database. Lucene starts with no documents matched, and finds things based on the clauses searched on. This is why:
On it's own doesn't really work. It knows not to bring in content:xyz, but hasn't been given any documents to match. The same is true of your query, because it's placed in a subquery.
is evaluated first, which gets no docs on it's own. So then you have, effectivelyIt's useful to think of
as anAND NOT
rather than simply aNOT
(though don't take that to imply the +/- and AND/OR/NOT syntax necessarily map to each other directly).If you want to be able to execute a lonely negative query like that, you need to bring in all documents first. The MatchAllDocsQuery is the best way to accomplish that, something like:
Would be the equivalent of a SQL style query with only a negation for a WHERE clause.
Of course, this isn't really necessary in the case you've listed since:
Is perfectly adequate.