Here is my xml file:
<User xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
<CostCentre i:nil="true"/>
<DeskNo i:nil="true"/>
<KnownAs>Marco l'ancien</KnownAs>
If I do this:
<c:import url="" var="xmlDoc"/>
<x:parse xml="${xmlDoc}" var="output"/>
<x:out select="$output" />
It returns: l'ancien
I want to display a node-specific content using
<c:import url="" var="xmlDoc"/>
<x:parse xml="${xmlDoc}" var="output"/>
<x:out select="$output/User/FirstName" />
<x:out select="$output/User/Email" />
But it returns nothing.
Any idea what's going wrong?
You are probably experiencing namespace problems. Try a document without a namespace and see if this works.
Thanks Michael'O, the issue did come from the XML document itself.
I changed the XML doc to the following and it worked fine