I want to run the stored procedure script, but I am facing the problem that, when I run multiple stored procedures at one time, all procedures gets compiled but it does not create all those procedures separately, it compile it as a single procedure. Can anyone help me out to solve this prolem.
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I expect that you're missing out the / after each procedure.
Place a forward slash
between the two procedures on a separate line.
Oracle will then accept it as a new statement
I think David and Tony, both got the point.
First thing to check is that you have ended every procedure with the slash / so that oracle can recognize the end of each procedure.
Since stored procedures instructions/statements are separated by ; Oracle does not know when a statement finishes the procedure, and that's why you need to use another "terminator"
Second thing is, if you got several procedures that can be categorized, then you should create a package, remembering to create the package definition and the package body.
That way you'll be able to find your procedures/functions easily when you have developed some dozens.
Good answers for everyone.
A script to create multiple procedures should look like this:
What does yours look like?
Best practice is always to put related stored procedures in packages anyway: