I am trying to create an audit trail in an Access 2010 database. I found some code on www.wvmitchell.com and it works well except for one issue. It records records that are updated but not new records or deleted records. It is very important that those are recorded. The following is the information and code that I used:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub TrackChanges(F As Form)
Dim ctl As Control, frm As Form
Dim MyField As String, MyKey As Long, MyTable As String
Dim db As DAO.Database, rs As DAO.Recordset
On Error Resume Next
Set frm = F
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tbl__ChangeTracker")
With frm
MyTable = .Tag
' find the primary key & its value, based on the Tag
For Each ctl In .Controls
If ctl.Tag = "PK" Then
MyField = ctl.Name
MyKey = ctl
Exit For
End If
Next ctl
For Each ctl In .Controls
' inspect only data-bound controls
Select Case ctl.ControlType
Case acTextBox, acComboBox, acCheckBox
If Nz(ctl.ControlSource, "") > "" Then
' if changed, record both old & new values
If Nz(ctl.OldValue, "")<> Nz(ctl, "") Then
rs!FormName = .Name
rs!MyTable = MyTable
rs!MyField = MyField
rs!MyKey = MyKey
rs!ChangedOn = Now()
rs!FieldName = ctl.Name
If ctl.ControlType = acCheckBox Then
rs!Field_OldValue = YesOrNo(ctl.OldValue)
rs!Field_NewValue = YesOrNo(ctl)
rs!Field_OldValue = Left(Nz(ctl.OldValue, ""), 255)
rs!Field_NewValue = Left(Nz(ctl, ""), 255)
End If
rs!UserChanged = UserName()
rs!CompChanged = CompName()
End If
End If
End Select
Next ctl
End With
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
Private Function YesOrNo(v) As String
Select Case v
Case -1
YesOrNo = "Yes"
Case 0
YesOrNo = "No"
End Select
End Function
- A table to store the results. For text fields, I've indicated the length in the Description:
Here is a VBA module that will create the table for you.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub Create_tbl__ChangeTracker()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim idx As DAO.Index
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Set db = CurrentDb
Set tdf = db.CreateTableDef("tbl__ChangeTracker")
With tdf
' ID is AutoNumber and Primary Key
Set fld = .CreateField("ID", dbLong)
fld.Attributes = dbAutoIncrField
.Fields.Append fld
Set idx = .CreateIndex("ID")
idx.Fields = "ID"
idx.Primary = True
.Indexes.Append idx
' add remaining fields
Set fld = .CreateField("FormName", dbText, 64)
.Fields.Append fld
Set fld = .CreateField("MyTable", dbText, 64)
.Fields.Append fld
Set fld = .CreateField("MyField", dbText, 64)
.Fields.Append fld
Set fld = .CreateField("MyKey", dbText, 64)
.Fields.Append fld
Set fld = .CreateField("ChangedOn", dbDate)
.Fields.Append fld
Set fld = .CreateField("FieldName", dbText, 64)
.Fields.Append fld
Set fld = .CreateField("Field_OldValue", dbText, 255)
.Fields.Append fld
Set fld = .CreateField("Field_NewValue", dbText, 255)
.Fields.Append fld
Set fld = .CreateField("UserChanged", dbText, 128)
.Fields.Append fld
Set fld = .CreateField("CompChanged", dbText, 128)
.Fields.Append fld
Set fld = .CreateField("Action", dbtext, 64
.Fields.Append fld
End With
db.TableDefs.Append tdf
Set idx = Nothing
Set fld = Nothing
Set tdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
After adding these objects, modify each form as follows: 1. Set the Tag property for the form = the name of the underlying table. 2. Identify the primary key for the data behind the form, and set the Tag property = "PK" (without the quotes). The field does not have to be visible on the form, it just needs to be there somewhere. 3. Add the
Form_BeforeUpdate event and invoke the tracking code using:
TrackChanges Me
4. If you are using subforms, you'll need to perform these three steps for each subform as well.
In my database I added a text field called Action to the tbl_ChangeTracker. I need to know how to write the code to populate it. Thanks in advance for any help I get.
You have your code written ;
Where it specifies if changed record both old and new values. You have nothing in there to specify what to do when adding new values.
In your before update procedure of the form place the following ;
Then with your procedure for the audit thing change it to accept another argument of type String so for instance;
Then in your code you want to have;
If you want to track deletes, same sort of thing in the before delete event;
Then in your TrackChanges procedure have another Case is = "Delete" then the code for handling the delete.
This should set you on the right path, then with your Action field you can do !action = action so you know if it's edit add or delete etc.
HTH Mark
Edit 1 following your comment so you can see the layout; The Select Case code would be in your TrackChanges function. Before 'with Frm' place the select case. Then you want to set it out as follows;
Let me know if that makes sense, if not shoot me a pm and I can talk you through it in more depth if you need :)