There are more than 1,000 MODIS HDF images in a folder:
Their names show us which files must be mosaiced together.
For example, in the below files, 2009090 means these three images must be mosaiced together:
Or these two, are for the same date, 2009091:
I am going to mosaic them using this function (source of function ):
mosaicHDF(hdfNames, filename, MRTpath, bands_subset, delete=FALSE)
How should I introduce my HDF files to hdfNames?
And what should I write in filename?
I tried to find a manual for this function, but there was not anything.
Thanks for your help.
I did find the answer, fortunately. Thanks for your help.
But I have a new problem :-)
Since there are thousands of HDF files in the folder,
How could I write a loop to introduce all HDF files to the function?
FYI: I am quite new to R.
This question is quite old but I figured I'd post up the R code Canada2015 asked for. So for a loop over years 2000 to 2016, assuming the file names still have the A < YEAR > < MONTH >< DAY >. format. This code mosaics all tiles together to produce a new file for each year present. If you had to mosaic many tiles from a single year, you could just change the pattern= argument to something general like '.hdf'