How can I make file association in Qt installer framework(1.5.0) on Windows? I want to do this:
For example, when I double click myFile.x then my qt desktop application(Windows) will launch and open this file.
I want to correct this in installscript.qs :
component.addOperation("CreateShortcut", "@TargetDir@/A.exe", "@StartMenuDir@/A.lnk");
"@TargetDir@\\A.exe" + "'%1'",
component.addOperation("CreateShortcut", "@TargetDir@/uninstall.exe", "@StartMenuDir@/Uninstall.lnk");
When I write this string, it gives parse error. Output is : Caught exception: Exception while loading component script: 'D:/Workspace/A/A_installer/A/packages/
SyntaxError: Parse error
Backtrace: ()@D:/Workspace/A/A_installer/A/packages/'
If you are using windows just follow this:
I also had this problem, the trick was to replace the
' %1'
as many examples say, with\" %1\"