Is there someone tried to connect to softlayer object storage using the php-opencloud library?
I got 400 bad response when the library trying to make authentication.
From what I see inside the php-opencloud library, It use authentication method described here, it uses v2/token and softlayer object storage using v1.
Does softlayer object storage that based on the same openstack doesn't support the authentication v2?
I can connect to the object storage using sdk(softlayer-object-storage-php) they provided, it seems use the authentication v1, the problem is that I'm using laravel 5.1 which has the built in filesystem using flysystem(thephpleague/flysystem) that have openstack adapter using php-ocencloud.
It will be very nice and will saving my time to just use the driver rather than I have to build custom driver using softlayer sdk and make me reinvent the wheel.
My Config in the config/filesystems.php
'rackspace' => [
'driver' => 'rackspace',
'username' => '***username from softlayer***',
'key' => '***api key from softlayer**',
'container' => '***my test container***',
'endpoint' => '',
'region' => 'sng01',
'url_type' => 'publicURL',
And I try connect like this :
And the error is :
ClientErrorResponseException in BadResponseException.php line 43:
Client error response
[status code] 400
[reason phrase] Bad Request
Currenlty softlayer only has endpoints for authentication v1, you can see the valid endpoints in the portal (click view credentials