I previously asked how to fail a unit test from a thread pool.
public void foo() throws Exception {
ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor stpe = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1);
stpe.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// does not make this unit test fail :(
Assert.AssertEquals(1, 2);
The solution I accepted was to block on the returned Future
and get. But in my actual setting I own neither the threadpool nor the submit call - it's a callback that ultimately originates from MINA.
About the best idea I have is messing around with the global default exception handler but seems very kludgy.
Maven surefire if it matters.
I meet the same question, and my question is here: TestNG Make assert in multithread way (not run in multithread)
and here's my solution:
As java pass method's parameter by reference, so I wrote a ResultWrapper class
Instead of making any assert in
public void run()
I put the result into ResultWrapper:resultWrapper.setResult(actual == expectedAssert);
(the ResultWrapper is pass to the class which call the Runnable class in Constructor)
And I make assert outSide in test method like this:
Hope this would be helpful.