I add document of Richtextbox to database. Document have several hyperlink. Every hyperlink added to this richtextbox by programmatically as follows:
RichTextBox.IsDocumentEnabled = true;
RichTextBox.IsReadOnly = true;
Run run = new Run(RichTextBox.Selection.Text);
Hyperlink hyp = new Hyperlink(run);
WordMain main = new WordMain();
hyp.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(main.hyperLink_Click);
hyp.NavigateUri = new Uri("http://search.msn.com");
var container = new InlineUIContainer(new TextBlock(hyp), RichTextBox.Selection.Start);
RichTextBox.IsDocumentEnabled = true;
RichTextBox.IsReadOnly = false;
After loading data from database I can't handle click event in a new Richtextbox. Please, help.
So I find solution. I only add codes as follow to richtextbox