I ask to be excused for my ignorance of R which I have been learning for the past one month. Specifically I have downloaded xxx_adm-_RData files (xxx for the country and - being 0, 1 or 2) for a number of countries of interest. My real interest are just the long/lat coordinates of each country, which I can use to overlay on analyses of climate fields like rainfall, temperature, etc. For the past two weeks I have been going through SO posts on how I can access a country's coordinates in an RData file and use them with other data, without any success. My attempts to get google maps or readGR() or readBin() after a download have not been successful. I wonder whether what am asking for is feasible.
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after putting the rdata file in your working directory, do something like
The rdata loads variable into your workspace so that command will show you what the variable names are, so you can then use them.
I don't have the file you're talking about so I can't tell you how to access the specific fields you need.
Based on your comment: Ok so the object you load is an object of type SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, and that has a Slot/property called Polygons, with objects of type Polygon. Those polygons I assume are the lat lng coordinates around the country. Accessing the coordinates should look something like
then something like