I'm trying to create a class in coffeescript and I'm almost there. My problem is, I'd like to create a couple of variables for the entire scope of the class, however I don't know how to get to them inside nested functions. @ is equivalent to "this.", however I'd like to be able to get to those constructor properties from anywhere inside the class.
class CoffeeScriptClass
constructor: (@foo) ->
_sampleFunction: ->
$.each BigArray, (index, NestedArray) ->
$.each NestedArray, (index, widget) ->
## I'd like @foo to reference the constructor value
widget = @foo
Does this make sense? I'm really trying to keep my OO Javascript tidy and organized, but I'm having a difficult time with the scoping part of coffeescript. I'll happily welcome any refactoring/advice on the rest of my class. Thanks all.
You need to scope the inner functions:
Here is the compiled JS showing why this works: