I'm trying to record in a file an user input, using assembly.
I'm working with this code but when the file is created, the input isn't recorded on the file correctly. Someone can help me with this? Here is my code:
file1: .asciiz "file1.txt"
prompt: .asciiz "User entry\n"
buffer: .space 45
la $a0,prompt
li $v0,4
li $v0, 8
li $a1, 454
move $s1, $v0
j writeFile1
li $v0, 13
la $a0, file1
li $a1, 1
li $a2, 0
move $s6, $v0
li $v0, 15
move $a0, $s6
la $a1, buffer
li $a2, 45
li $v0, 16
move $a0, $s6
j exit
exit: li $v0, 10
Your user input call did not setup the pointer to
. So, it would read intoprompt
instead. Also, the given length was454
instead of the [intended]45
. Further, this syscall does not return a length, so savingv0
did nothing.After fixing the above the program works. But, it would write a fixed length output so there were binary zeroes at the end.
I've added some code to calculate the string length (e.g. like
). I've also added sidebar comments to most lines. I highly recommend this for any asm. Anyway, here's the corrected program [please pardon the gratuitous style cleanup]: