After my initial question: Handling relationships in Mongo and Sails?
I managed to use this approach, however I now need to resolve this the way I originally thought. For example, I have my Photo and Category models & collections, but now my category also contains addresses and business details.
In my Photo model I have the following:
attributes: {
caption : { type : 'string' },
fid : { type : 'string' },
user : { model : 'user' },
categories : { model : 'category', type : 'array'}
In my Category model I have the following:
attributes: {
photo : { model: 'photo' },
category : { type: 'string'},
address : { type: 'string'},
phone : { type: 'integer'},
//Foreign Keys
categories : { collection: 'photo', via: 'categories', type : 'integer'}
Now I can get the categories in the Photo collection to show as an ObjectID if I removed the type array and just send a single ObjectID of a category, however in my case, a photo can have more than one Category.
If I try sending an array of ObjectID's in my query, they just show up in the database as a String array. Is there anyway I get store these as an array of ObjectID's instead?
Basically it's
many to many
relationship. You can use Waterline scheme like this:Photo Model
Category Model