html + Ajax + jquery + predefined Theme (Inspinia)

2019-08-12 05:29发布

I am having a couple of inconvenience, I am a new web programmer, and I'm venturing into this theme described in the title.

I'm working with a theme based on HTML + Jquery + Bootstrap and additional plugins that brings the default theme.

The situation is somewhat difficult, as I understand'm trying to implement Ajax to manage content. The problem is that not everything works well and I have some mistakes, especially when I add html content to DOM and think it might be the way or do I program my javascript.

I wish someone would see him and give me some councils.

Citing the main problems. 1. For example datepicker translate it to Spanish but I get an error (language). 2. Another problem is the re initialization of each plugins you see the content changes, this is necessary or is there a better way.

to add Content

$('[id^="p-"]').on("click", function (event, xhr, settings) {
    var id =;
        error: function(xhr,status,error){alert(error);},
        success:    function(response) {$("#formarea").html(response);$("#formarea").attr('name', id);
            CallProcces();// carga la llamada de procesos
        error: function(xhr,status,error){alert(error);},
        success:    function(data) {$("#areatitle").html(data);}

To re initilice bulk Plugins on content load

function LoadJSfile(){
/* La carga de Estos script debe ser testeada si se encuentra algun problema en los efectos del tema*/
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/metisMenu/jquery.metisMenu.js"     , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/slimscroll/jquery.slimscroll.min.js"       , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/flot/jquery.flot.js"                                   , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/flot/jquery.flot.tooltip.min.js"                   , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/flot/jquery.flot.spline.js"                        , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/flot/jquery.flot.resize.js"                        , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/flot/jquery.flot.pie.js"                               , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/peity/jquery.peity.min.js"                     , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/inspinia.js"                                                       , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/pace/pace.min.js"                              , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.js"                    , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/gritter/jquery.gritter.min.js"                 , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/sparkline/jquery.sparkline.min.js"     , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/iCheck/icheck.min.js"                          , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/chartJs/Chart.min.js"                          , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/toastr/toastr.min.js"                              , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/datapicker/bootstrap-datepicker.js"        , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/dropzone/dropzone.js"                      , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/jeditable/jquery.jeditable.js"                     , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/dataTables/jquery.dataTables.js"                       , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/dataTables/dataTables.bootstrap.js"                        , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
    jQuery.getScript("sources/js/plugins/dataTables/dataTables.responsive.js"                       , function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });


2楼-- · 2019-08-12 06:00

other way is one by one plugin get a function to initialice it on every instance,

An call only ManagerGPlugin() when load new content, need implement unbid() or .one():

function ManagerGPlugin() {

function ToolTipsHandler() {
    $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').each(function() {
            'placement': 'top'
    var showPopover = function() {
        hidePopover = function() {
            trigger: 'manual',
            container: 'body'
        .hover(showPopover, hidePopover);

function CheckBoxHandler() {
    $('.i-checks').each(function() {
        /*Colores validos: minimal (black), red, green, blue, aero, grey, orange, yellow, pink, purple*/
        var color = $(this).attr('data-chk-color') || 'square';
        var square = (color == 'square') ? color : 'square-' + color;
            checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_' + square,
            radioClass: 'iradio_' + square,

function Select2() {
    $('select').each(function() {
        var width = $(this).attr("data-width") || '100px';
        var x = this.required;
            theme: 'bootstrap4',
            width: width,
            dropdownAutoWidth: true
        if (x) {
            $(this).next().children().children().each(function() {
                $(this).css("border-color", "#f8ac59");

function Select2Destroy() {
    $('select').each(function(i, obj) {
        if ($(obj).data('select2')) {

function DataTable() {
    $('table').each(function() {
        var left = $(this).attr("data-fixedColumnsLeft") || false;
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        var atscrollCollapse = $(this).attr("data-scrollCollapse") || false;
        var atresponsive = $(this).attr("data-responsive") || false;
        var atscrollY = $(this).attr("data-scrollY") || false;
        var atscrollX = $(this).attr("data-scrollX") || false;
        var toolkit = '';
        if (attoolset == 'true') {
            toolkit = '<"html5buttons"B>';
            paging: atpaging,
            ordering: atordering,
            info: atinfo,
            searching: atsearching,
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            responsive: atresponsive,
            scrollY: atscrollY,
            scrollX: atscrollX,
            fixedColumns: {
                leftColumns: left,
                rightColumns: right,
            dom: toolkit + 'lTfgitp',
            "language": {
                "decimal": ".",
                "emptyTable": "No hay datos disponibles en la tabla",
                "info": "Mostrando _START_ a _END_ de _TOTAL_ Registros",
                "infoEmpty": "Mostrando 0 a 0 de 0 Registros",
                "infoFiltered": "(Filtrado a Partir de _MAX_ Registros)",
                "infoPostFix": "",
                "thousands": ",",
                "lengthMenu": "_MENU_",
                "loadingRecords": "Cargando...",
                "processing": "Procesando...",
                "search": "",
                "searchPlaceholder": "Inserte su Busqueda",
                "zeroRecords": "No Encontrado - lo siento",
                "paginate": {
                    "first": "Inicio",
                    "last": "Ultimo",
                    "next": "Siguiente",
                    "previous": "Anterior"
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                    "sortAscending": ": activar para ordenar la columna ascendente",
                    "sortDescending": ": activar para ordenar la columna descendente"
            "iDisplayLength": 10,
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                [5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, -1],
                [5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, "All"]
            buttons: [{
                extend: 'collection',
                text: 'Herramientas',
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                    extend: 'copy',
                    text: 'Copiar',
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                                var valor = '';
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                                    var datos = $(data);
                                    datos.find("span").each(function(index) {
                                        var text = $(this).text(); //get span content
                                        $(this).replaceWith(text); //replace all span with just content
                                    data = datos.text();
                                if (~data.indexOf("<button")) {
                                    data = 'Correcto';
                                valor = data.toString(); //El campo debe ser STRING para que funcione
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                                    valor = valor.replace(/\, /g, ",\n"); //aca te llegan , y no <br> asi que reemplazo eso.
                                } else if (~data.indexOf(",")) {
                                    valor = valor.replace(/\,/g, ",\n"); //aca te llegan , y no <br> asi que reemplazo eso.
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                                    valor = valor.replace(/\<br>/g, '');
                                return valor;
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                    text: 'Excel',
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                        return window.GenFileNameExport();
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                            body: function(data) {
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                                var valor = '';
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                                    datos.find("span").each(function(index) {
                                        var text = $(this).text(); //get span content
                                        $(this).replaceWith(text); //replace all span with just content
                                    data = datos.text();
                                if (~data.indexOf("<button")) {
                                    data = 'Correcto';
                                valor = data.toString(); //El campo debe ser STRING para que funcione
                                if (~data.indexOf(",<br> ")) {
                                    valor = valor.replace(/\,<br> /g, ",\r\n"); //aca te llegan , y no <br> asi que reemplazo eso.
                                } else if (~data.indexOf(", ")) {
                                    valor = valor.replace(/\, /g, ",\r\n"); //aca te llegan , y no <br> asi que reemplazo eso.
                                } else if (~data.indexOf(",")) {
                                    valor = valor.replace(/\,/g, ",\r\n"); //aca te llegan , y no <br> asi que reemplazo eso.
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                                    valor = valor.replace(/\<br>/g, '');
                                return valor;
                    customize: function(xlsx) {
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                        $('row c', sheet).each(function() {
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                                var valor = '';
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                                    var datos = $(data);
                                    datos.find("span").each(function(index) {
                                        var text = $(this).text(); //get span content
                                        $(this).replaceWith(text); //replace all span with just content
                                    data = datos.text();
                                if (~data.indexOf("<button")) {
                                    data = 'Correcto';
                                valor = data.toString(); //El campo debe ser STRING para que funcione
                                if (~data.indexOf(",<br> ")) {
                                    valor = valor.replace(/\,<br> /g, ",\n"); //aca te llegan , y no <br> asi que reemplazo eso.
                                } else if (~data.indexOf(", ")) {
                                    valor = valor.replace(/\, /g, ",\n"); //aca te llegan , y no <br> asi que reemplazo eso.
                                } else if (~data.indexOf(",")) {
                                    valor = valor.replace(/\,/g, ",\n"); //aca te llegan , y no <br> asi que reemplazo eso.
                                if (~data.indexOf("<br>")) {
                                    valor = valor.replace(/\<br>/g, '');
                                return valor;
                }, {
                    extend: 'print',
                    text: 'Imprimir',
                    title: function() {
                        return window.GenFileNameExport();
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                        $(win.document.body).css('font-size', '10px');
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                        columns: ':visible',
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                            body: function(data) {
                                //Antes de mandarse al PDF cada valor pasa por aqui y es evaluado
                                var valor = '';
                                if (data.match("^<span")) {
                                    var datos = $(data);
                                    datos.find("span").each(function(index) {
                                        var text = $(this).text(); //get span content
                                        $(this).replaceWith(text); //replace all span with just content
                                    data = datos.text();
                                if (~data.indexOf("<button")) {
                                    data = 'Correcto';
                                valor = data.toString(); //El campo debe ser STRING para que funcione
                                if (~data.indexOf(",<br> ")) {
                                    valor = valor.replace(/\,<br> /g, ",\n"); //aca te llegan , y no <br> asi que reemplazo eso.
                                } else if (~data.indexOf(", ")) {
                                    valor = valor.replace(/\, /g, ",\n"); //aca te llegan , y no <br> asi que reemplazo eso.
                                } else if (~data.indexOf(",")) {
                                    valor = valor.replace(/\,/g, ",\n"); //aca te llegan , y no <br> asi que reemplazo eso.
                                if (~data.indexOf("<br>")) {
                                    valor = valor.replace(/\<br>/g, '');
                                return valor;
                }, ]
            }, {
                extend: 'colvis',
                text: 'Adm',
            }, {
                text: 'Ayuda',
                action: function(e, dt, node, config) {
                        'title': 'Ayuda de Herramientas',
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            "initComplete": function(oSettings) {
                var oTable = this;

function DataTableDestroy() {


function DataTableTree() {
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function LoadDatepickers() {
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        monthsShort: ["Ene", "Feb", "Mar", "Abr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Ago", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dic"],
        today: "Hoy",
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        weekStart: 1,
    $('').each(function() {
        var target = $(this);
        target.find("input:text").each(function() {
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function LoadTimePickers() {
    $('div.input-group.time').each(function() {
        var target = $(this);
        target.find("input:text").each(function() {
            if (!$(this).is('[readonly]')) {
                $(this).on('click', function() {

function SumerTextArea() {
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                    $(file.previewElement).attr("class", "dz-preview dz-file-preview dz-processing dz-success dz-complete").find('.dz-preview');
                this.on("error", function(file, response) {
                    var e = window.InitAlert();
                    var res = $(file.previewElement).addClass("dz-error").find('.dz-error-message').text(response.Message);
                    var plugsms = res[0].innerText;
                    var filename =;
                    var cerror = '<b>Se a Tratado de subir un Archivo (' + filename + ') y ha ocurrido un error:</b><br>' + plugsms + '<br>';
                    e['target'] = 'SiSAlertModal';
                    e['title'] = 'Error en la Manipulacion de Archivos.';
                    e['smg'] = cerror;
                    e['hidder'] = false;
                    if (!file.accepted) this.removeFile(file);
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