Displaying Parse Images in UICollectionView Parse.

2019-08-12 05:01发布

Im new to ios programming so thank you for your patience. I am creating a collection view with images and labels downloaded from parse.com backend. I am able to display the labels perfectly in the collection view now I am trying to get the corresponding images as well.

I am uncertain how to do so . PLEASE HELP SOS

here is my function

// Get Brands
func getBrand () {

    // Create PFQuery
    var query:PFQuery = PFQuery(className: "BrandInfo")

     // Call findobjects
     query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock {
        (objects:[AnyObject]?, error: NSError?) -> Void in

        // refresh array
        self.brands = [String]()

        // loop through array
        for brandObject in objects! {

        // get PFObjects
        let brandName:String? = (brandObject as! PFObject)["Name"] as? String

            if brandName != nil {


        let brandpic:PFFile? = (brandObject as! PFObject)["Image"] as? PFFile

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