We're struggling with an issue during the token verification. We have the following exception:
java.security.SignatureException: Invalid audience: xxx-platform. Should be: 787384428332-32charsofidxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com
at com.google.identitytoolkit.JsonTokenHelper$AudienceChecker.check(JsonTokenHelper.java:67)
at net.oauth.jsontoken.JsonTokenParser.verify(JsonTokenParser.java:156)
at net.oauth.jsontoken.JsonTokenParser.verify(JsonTokenParser.java:103)
at net.oauth.jsontoken.JsonTokenParser.verifyAndDeserialize(JsonTokenParser.java:116)
at com.google.identitytoolkit.JsonTokenHelper.verifyAndDeserialize(JsonTokenHelper.java:46)
at com.google.identitytoolkit.GitkitClient.validateToken(GitkitClient.java:126)
at com.google.identitytoolkit.GitkitClient.validateTokenInRequest(GitkitClient.java:154)
at com.some.package.user.GitKitUserService.getGitkitUserFromRequest(GitKitUserService.groovy:25)
We have checked many times the gitkit-server-config.json file, he seems to correct and points to a valid .p12 file. The p12 is correctly found and opened (since we have a FileNotFoundException when we remove it, or parsing error when we alter it...) but the validation fails because of a null verifier... Here it is:
"clientId": "707385568332-32charsofidxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com",
"projectId": "xxx-platform",
"serviceAccountEmail": "xxx@xxx-platform.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
"serviceAccountPrivateKeyFile": "/an/existing/path/xxx-platform-44d0379d237c.p12",
"widgetUrl": "https://example.com/authentication/authenticate",
"cookieName": "gtoken"
Of course we can provide any additional information that might be required, we're really stuck with this issue!
Thank in advance for any clue!
I had a look at the gitkitclient.js source code and both projectId and clientId are added to the same audiences array.
After more tests I found out that you must only put the project ID ('my-project-name') in the gitkit-server-config.json file. The nasty thing is that if you add it with a 'clientId' property name it is also working...
As far as I can see, the client ID (like 654028407702-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com) can be removed.
I was getting the same error and stumbled upon this thread. I was using gitclient-1.2.3.jar. I updated it to gitkitclient-1.2.5.jar (latest) and the problem went away.
UPDATE: I'm adding the code snippet below. I'm setting both
as shown in the sample https://github.com/google/identity-toolkit-java-client/blob/master/src/main/java/com/google/identitytoolkit/GitkitClient.javaI'll just share my experience from setting up earlier today incase it can help you:
Gives me
This works:
I think DFB's answer is correct.
But we don't recommend hard-coded json config in Java code. There's a static method called createFromJson you can use to read json file and then initialize GitkitClient.
We'll also need to update the README in identity-toolkit-java-client. Thanks for your question.