I'm attempting to create and register a new service using the ES6 import/export syntax, but I'm not sure what the right format is. The only way I've gotten it to work is as follows, if I use quotes in my index.module.js when injecting AccountService, it breaks. Should I be creating the new services.account-service module in my service file? Why is the service only properly injected when I don't use quotes? Thanks!
class AccountService {
exportTrack(response, account) {
return {
method: 'PUT',
url: 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/me/tracks?ids=' +response.data.tracks.items[0].id+ '&type=track&market=US',
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + account.auth
export default angular.module('services.account-service', [])
.service('AccountService', AccountService)
import { config } from './index.config';
import { routerConfig } from './index.route';
import { runBlock } from './index.run';
import HeaderController from '../app/components/header/header.controller';
import SidenavController from '../app/components/sidenav/sidenav.controller';
import LoginController from './login/login.controller';
import AccountController from './account/account.controller';
import AccountService from './account/accountService-service';
import TrackController from './track/track.controller';
import PlaylistController from './playlist/playlist.controller';
import { Velociraptor } from '../app/components/services/velociraptor-service'; // Component Loopback service (lb-ng)
.constant('moment', moment)
.controller('HeaderController', HeaderController)
.controller('SidenavController', SidenavController)
.controller('LoginController', LoginController)
.controller('AccountController', AccountController)
.controller('TrackController', TrackController)
.controller('PlaylistController', PlaylistController);
My guess is that by 'use quotes in my index.module.js when injecting AccountService' you mean that you do something like this:
And this way it won't work. The name of imported Angular module is still
(no matter how ES6 module was called), andAccountService
variable equals to 'services.account-service' string.I consider exporting
property a solid pattern for modular Angular workflow, just mind what exactly is being exported/imported.