I have a page of data that can be viewed as a list or as markers on a map. It also has filtering in the sidebar. I currently have this structured as separate map and list pages but I want to merge them so that the filters remain when switching views.
I have tried using ui-router
but due to my markup I cannot keep the filtering within a parent state, as per my question here: How do I show multiple views in an abstract state template?
My current markup is like this:
<div class="main-container" ng-controller="PlanningCtrl" data-county-parish-id="1478">
<main class="page-content">
<!-- toggles between map and list views -->
<a href="/map">View map</a>
<!-- main content view here -->
<!-- <appl-map></appl-map> -->
<aside class="sidebar">
<div refine-results info="refine" id="SearchForm" class="refine-search"></div>
The data array is within the controller as $scope.filteredApplications
and on each page this is filtering and displaying fine within each directive.
I guess my question is: how can I toggle between the two <appl-*>
directives and display the same filtered records?
If I understand your issue correctly, solution is really very close. We will profit from UI-Router native design. Here is a full story (with working example):
How do I share $scope data between states in angularjs ui-router?
So, what we should do, is to properly use view data inheritance - which works well with some reference property, e.g.
Model : {}
declared on the parent state (root view)We can (could) also introduce the some super root state, and easily inject that into each state family super parent
and later any controller (any because, we inherit from root unnamed view) can do filtering
And any other controller can use that filter
Similar technique, including examples in TypeScript could be found here (also has working example)
Angular Digest cycle being ran but ng-bind value not updating
You can use ng-if with your directives and set value based on a scope variable.
Your controller would have something like:
Then you'd have this in your HTML:
Then you'd toggle the value of $scope.show between 'List' and 'Map' based on some event.