Using text view in storyboard you can make it not editable or not selectable next to Behavior caption or vice versa:
Seems options looks very promising and it works good for editable option. But when I uncheck selectable checkbox it cause some issues with font and text in runtime. So let's say that I set font to Helvetica-Bold and set color Red (which are not default settings for text view) and then uncheck selectable box like on image above. Next let me add some code to viewDidLoad:
self.theSameTextViewIamTalkingAbout.text = @"some text";
So when I am running my application I see that text change back to the default font and to the black color which is the default color.
I am not sure if this checkbox reset text view to the default appearance settings, but it changes text color and font text as you can see on my video as well:
My question also how can I make it not selectable?
Programmatically set isSelectable -> true and set font what ever you want
Swift 3.0 and Xcode 8
Try to change font and font color in code. It's help for me.