I'm trying to setup my static file in development. I have an image located in polls/static/images/banner.jpg. When I navigate to the banner shows up, but when I go to something like the banner breaks.
my index (URL: template contains:
{% include 'polls/header.html' %}
The URL for the banner
my 2ndpage template also contains:
{% include 'polls/header.html' %}
But the URL for the banner changes to
my polls/header.html template:
<img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}images/gcs_banner.jpg" />
from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, include, url
urlpatterns = patterns('polls.views',
url(r'^$', 'index'),
url(r'^2ndpage/$', '2ndindex'))
def index(request):
return render_to_response('polls/index.html', {'latest_people_list': latest_people_list,}, context_instance = RequestContext(request))
def 2ndpage(request, people_id):
return render_to_response('index/detail.html', {'people': p}, context_instance = RequestContext(request))
Why does the URL change from ../static/.. to ../2ndpage/..? How do I fix this so that when I use {% include 'polls/header.html' %} the banner always shows up?
I think that in the second page,
is not defined. Thus, src ends up withimages/gcs_banner.jpg
. Which is a relative url because it's not prefixed with a slash. It is then converted to a absolute path using the current absolute url: /2ndpage/images/gcs_banner.jpg.{{ STATIC_URL }}
is probably set by a context processor - at least that how it works in my projects. Context processors are actually a feature from RequestContext. When a view returns response without RequestContext then the context processors are not run, e.g.:This is an example of explicit usage of RequestContext with render_to_response():
That said, Django 1.3 provides a better shortcut with implicit usage of RequestContext, render():