In my project I want to create a xml file and save it,and then retrieve the xml file. that is my code :
XDocument doc = new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "iso-8859-1", "yes"),
new XElement("checkout",
new XElement("currency", "BRL"),
new XElement("items",
new XElement("item",
new XElement("id", "0001"),
new XElement("description", "Dízimo"),
new XElement("amount", _amount),
new XElement("quantity", "1"))),
//new XElement("weight", "50"),
new XElement("reference", _reference),
new XElement("sender",
new XElement("name", _name),
new XElement("email", _email),
new XElement("phone",
new XElement("areacode", _areacode),
new XElement("number", _number))),
new XElement("shipping",
new XElement("type", "1"),
new XElement("address",
new XElement("street", _street),
new XElement("number", _numberHome),
new XElement("complement", _complement),
new XElement("district", _district),
new XElement("postalcode", _postalcode),
new XElement("city", _city),
new XElement("state", _state),
new XElement("country", "BRA")))));
using (var storage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
using (Stream stream = storage.CreateFile(@"c:\Temp\data.xml"))
But, in another class I use to use :
var xml = XDocument.Load("a.xml").ToString();
var content = new StringContent(
to read the xml file form a namePath, but now I want to read from IsolatedStorageFile, how can I transform the stream object so I can use inside of XDocument.Load(stream)