I would like to determine a time offset to GMT/UTC (including daylight saving time) for different countries at a specific date in VBA. Any ideas?
EDIT (from self-answer):
Thank you 0xA3. I quickly read-over the linked page. I assume that you can only get the offset to GMT for the local where windows is running:
In Java you can do the following:
TimeZone bucharestTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Bucharest");
bucharestTimeZone.getOffset(new Date().getTime());
Calendar nowInBucharest = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Bucharest"));
nowInBucharest.setTime(new Date());
System.out.println("Bucharest: " + nowInBucharest.get(Calendar.HOUR) + ":" + nowInBucharest.get(Calendar.MINUTE));
This means I can get the offset for different countries (timezones) and I thus can also get the actual time lets say in bucharest. Can I do this in VBA?
Here is the code that is referenced in the answer by 0xA3. I had to change the declare statements to allow it run properly in Office 64bit but I haven't been able to test again in Office 32bit. For my use I was trying to create ISO 8601 dates with timezone information. So i used this function for that.
The code below came from http://www.cpearson.com/excel/TimeZoneAndDaylightTime.aspx
Based on Julian Hess excellent recommendation to use Outlook capabilities, I have build this module, which works with Access and Excel.
I recommend to create an Outlook object and use the in-built method ConvertTime: https://msdn.microsoft.com/VBA/Outlook-VBA/articles/timezones-converttime-method-outlook
Super easy, super save and just a few lines of code
PS: if you often have to use the method, I recommend to declare the Outlook object outside of your sub/function. Create it once and keep it alive.
Please be aware of little trap in the solution.
The GetTimeZoneInformation() call returns DST info about the current time, but the converted date might be from the period with the different DST setting - thus converting January date in August would apply the current Bias, thus yielding the GMT date 1 hour less than the correct one (SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime seems to be a better fit - untested yet)
The same applies when the date is from another year - when DST rules might have been different. GetTimeZoneInformationForYear should handle changes in different years. I'll put a code sample here once completed.
It also seems Windows does not provide a reliable way to get 3 letter abbreviation of the timezone (Excel 2013 supports zzz in Format() - not tested).
Edit 16.04.2015: IntArrayToString() removed as it is already present in modWorksheetFunctions.bas referenced in below mentioned cpearson.com articles.
Adding code to convert using timezone active at the time of the converted date (this issue is not addressed on cpearson.com). Error handling is not included for brevity.
There are 2 ways to achieve offset:
subtract local date and converted gmt date:
offset = (lpDateLocal - lpDateGmt)*24*60
get TZI for specific year and calculate:
dst = GetTimeZoneInformationForYear(Year(lpDateLocal), lpDTZI, lpTZI) offset = lpTZI.Bias + IIf(lpDateLocal >= SystemTimeToSerialTime(lpTZI.DaylightDate) And lpDateLocal < SystemTimeToSerialTime(lpTZI.StandardDate), lpTZI.DaylightBias, lpTZI.StandardBias)
Caveat: For some reason, values populated in lpTZI here do not contain the year information, so you need to set the year in lpTZI.DaylightDate and lpTZI.StandardDate.
VBA doesn't offer functions to do that, but the Windows API does. Luckily you can use all those functionality from VBA as well. This page describes how to do it: Time Zones & Daylight Savings Time
Edit: Added Code
For the posterity sake, I've added the complete code from Guru Chip's page, as usable in 32-bit Office VBA. (64-bit modification here)