Before swift 2, the code below used to work. However after upgrading to Swift 2, my code below no longer worked. I had verified with Postman and RESTClient that my web services worked.
let url = NSURL(string: "https://")
let mutableURL = NSMutableURLRequest(URL:url!)
mutableURL.HTTPMethod = "POST"
let str = "user_id=90031963"
mutableURL.HTTPBody = str.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
Any comments and feedback will be very much appreciated.
Swift2 is very strict when it comes to secure online connection. It could be the connection is rejected because your server doesn't have a valid ssh certificate. For test purpose try to add to your info.plist this Dictionary:
If it works, it means you need to check your server security setup. You can read more about it over here:
Note that Apple does not recommend to use this dictionary unless you are not really requiring a secure connection.