I'm trying a self-executable WAR package with Jetty. It configures with web.xml by default. If a run-time option is given, I wanted to override web.xml by Java code-level configuration with ServletContextHandler#addServlet, #addEventListener, and ...
Can I ignore web.xml while loading a WAR package?
% java -jar foobar.jar # Use web.xml
% java -jar foobar.jar --customize=something # Use Java code to configure
// Example
WebAppContext webapp = new WebAppContext();
if ( /* has run-time options */ ) {
webapp.setWar(warLocation.toExternalForm()); // But, no load web.xml!
// Emulates web.xml.
webapp.setInitParameter("resteasy.role.based.security", "true");
} else {
webapp.setWar(warLocation.toExternalForm()); // Loading web.xml.
Additional Question:
Before server.start() is called, classes under WEB-INF/ are not loaded. Can I do some configuration webapp.something() with some classes under WEB-INF/? (E.g. extend WebInfConfiguration or do a similar class-loading that WebInfConfiguration does?)
For example, I'd like to do something like:
- webapp.addEventListener(new SomeClassUnderWebInf()));
- webapp.addEventListener(someInjector.inject(SomeClassUnderWebInf.class));
before server.start().
Handle the WebAppContext Configuration yourself.