I want to display like this.
https://lh6.ggpht.com/DOvS0NiHGyGC9Vn7JvkwznRBZ7I65j3zwpNAqLkP5y083ju7JQbwWi4NAXQLp5Wsavmn=h900 When google map marker gets tap, text will display below. It can be drag up and down. I don't get how it has been done.
public class MapsActivity extends FragmentActivity
Googlemap gm;
gm = ((SupportMapFragment) (getSupportFragmentManager()
public void onInfoWindowClick(Marker marker) {
String a=marker.getTitle();
// how to display this title in same screen below with dragging up and down when map marker been tap
Please help me to solve this issue.Thanks in advance.
You have to create hidden layout for it. Create one layout as per your need and do it GONE by default. But when you click like below and inflate that layout in you onClick method:
And visible this layout, do findViewById and make it visible.
or.. If your marker is draggable, use the following snippet
implement this method instead of infoWindowClick