I'm trying to produce a pop up in highcharts when the user clicks on a bar. So far I have the code that when a user clicks on a bar it fades all the other bars. I want the bar that is selected to produce a small pop up above the bar like this
when the close is selected it should highlight the bar and return all bars to normal state.
Here's my code
$(function() {
chart: {
type: 'column',
events: {
click: function(e) {
selection: function(e) {
title: {
text: ''
legend: {
enabled: false
exporting: {
enabled: false
credits: {
enabled: false
xAxis: {
gridLineColor: '',
labels: {
enabled: false
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Fruit'
visible: false
credits: {
enabled: false
plotOptions: {
/*series: {
allowPointSelect: true,
states: {
select: {
color: 'blue',
column: {
stacking: 'normal',
series: [{
name: '',
data: [-40, -60, -70, -80, -90, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100],
threshold: 0,
color: '#E0E0E0 ',
enableMouseTracking: false,
}, {
name: '',
data: [-60, -40, -30, -20, -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50],
threshold: 0,
color: 'green',
negativeColor: 'red',
}, ]
$(document).on('click', '.highcharts-tracker rect', function() {
var elm = $(this);
if (!elm.attr('class')) {
$('.highcharts-tracker rect').removeAttr('class').css('opacity', 0.5);
elm.attr('class', 'active').css('opacity', 1);
} else {
$('.highcharts-tracker rect').removeAttr('class').css('opacity', 1);
.highcharts-series rect {
transition:all .3s ease;
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.js"></script>
<script src="http://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>
<div id="container4"></div>