Goal is to create an amazon style search box which will reduce the amount of space needed for multiple input search/filter fields all on one page.
Search Flow:
obtain labels from the search form.
append labels to a select option field.
on select change, obtain selected value.
If selected val matches a label, display closest div.input,div.option (This is where it all goes wrong. Since im searching an array, i don't think i can locate the closest hidden container near the label. Any tips?)
So far, I have passed the new select values to an array and have attempted to find a match on change.
$("body").append("<select id='selopt'></select>");
var _op = [];
var _se = "";
$(".views-exposed-widget label").each(function(){
var text = $(this).text();
_se += '<option value="'+ text +'">'+ text +'</option>';
// Monthly Release,Title,New Provider/Show Name
$("#selopt").change(function() {
$("form .views-exposed-widget .views-widget").fadeOut();
Updated Jquery:
This will show the closest div to the dropdown that is also hidden.
Based on your comment this should get you close. Instead of pushing the text into an array, we can create a dictionary of the text to the actual label. Then when the selection changes use the label to find the closest div. Like so:
This may have unexpected results if the text of the labels have special characters. In which case we can modify our array a bit more, but still possible.