When I open the IE8 Developer Tools (using F12), click on Scripts, and choose the project's .js file, the Javascript that is displayed is minified. This makes debugging almost impossible. In researching, I found a reference to a "configuration button" that appears would pretty-print the Javascript source. Unfortunately I cannot find that button in the IE8 Developer Tool tool-strip or menu. XP SP3 TIA Gus
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unfortunately that is only available in IE9's developer tools, in the configuration menu:
MSDN article on Dev Tools in IE9
One last option could be using FirebugLite, if infact IE8 is minifying the javascript for you, Firebug should not, you can get FirebugLite in IE by using it in a bookmarklet: http://getfirebug.com/firebuglite
basically what you have to do is create a bookmark in IE (of say the firebuglite website) then right click -> properties, and change the URL to be:
when you click the bookmark, firebug should popup in the bottom of the page
EDIT: Firebug (including Lite) has a BSD license. Since the source code is reproduced in this answer, the following license should be included: