I have a set of classes as follows: a Command, which Executes and stores a Result; a Response, which is created as in order to return the Result in a serialized form (plus extra metadata which I've left out). The Response.Result must be of type object, as it is used for a bunch of different commands, each of which can have a Result of any type at all.
The Command is generic, and I'd like it to accept an interface rather than concrete type, but when I do, the serialized response contains the following type hint:
rather than the following, which is generated when the command accepts a concrete type:
I need the type hint to contain the concrete type rather than ResultOfanyType. Why are interfaces being treated differently in this context? Notice that when the Type is a direct property of the serialized Command, then the concrete type is contained in the type hint
I've tried changing the the Result's Response property typed to Result, but that has no effect.
Here is the code. Simply uncomment/comment the lines in Main where the command is created and known types listed for the alternative version.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
namespace serialization
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Response response = new Response();
response.ResponseStatus = "ok";
ConcreteCommand command = new ConcreteCommand(); //switch with line below to test inteface
//InterfaceCommand command = new InterfaceCommand();
response.Results = command.Results;
List<Type> knownTypes = new List<Type>
typeof(Result<MyObject>), //switch with Interface lines below to test inteface
DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(response.GetType(), knownTypes, int.MaxValue, false, null, true);
Stream stream = new MemoryStream();
serializer.WriteObject(stream, response);
stream.Position = 0;
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);
string output = reader.ReadToEnd();
public interface IMyObject
string name { get; set; }
public class MyObject : IMyObject
public string name { get; set; }
public class Result<T>
public string Status { get; set; }
public T Item { get; set; }
public abstract class BaseCommand<T>
protected Result<T> results = new Result<T>();
protected T resultObject;
public object Results
get { return this.results; }
public T ResultObject
get { return this.resultObject; }
public abstract void Execute();
public class InterfaceCommand : BaseCommand<IMyObject>
public override void Execute()
IMyObject myobject = new MyObject();
myobject.name = "my object";
Result<IMyObject> result = new Result<IMyObject>();
result.Item = myobject;
result.Status = "ok";
this.results= result;
this.resultObject = myobject;
public class ConcreteCommand : BaseCommand<MyObject>
public override void Execute()
MyObject myobject = new MyObject();
myobject.name = "my object";
Result<MyObject> result = new Result<MyObject>();
result.Item = myobject;
result.Status = "ok";
this.results = result;
this.resultObject = myobject;
public class Response
public string ResponseStatus { get; set; }
public object Results { get; set; }
Let's start with this question and that might explain everything.
An interface is basically just a contract for what a class implementing it should contain and multiple classes could implement its members. For example.
So when you call an
what are you expecting back? APerson
or aContact
? Each has an id and the basic components of a name, but each also has unique properties thatIPerson
doesn't even know exist. This is why when you try to get an interface to resolve to a concrete class, you're not going to get anywhere without some sort of factory class to figure out what you want. So in this case, if I wanted to resolve anIPerson
, I'd add the following line of code...In your case, you'd want to try calling
. This tells .NET to look at the actual type of the object implementing the interface and return it.How about this...
If you're trying to make some sort of generic contract, you're going to have to have some sort of common base class/interface. It won't work with object but you can go ala COM and make your own IUnknown interface from which to create as many subclasses as you like, as long as they are included within your known types.