I've got a stupid problem, which just couldn't get solved in any obvious way. The point is, that both my good old MSVS 2010 and latest MSVS 2012 "can't see" .NET Frameworks of version 4 or 4.5. These libraries are supposed to be automatically installed with the Visual Studio, so that it would use relevant C# (and not only) features any time.
But I've tried reinstalling the IDE several times - no, only 2,3 and 3.5 framework versions are available when trying to create a new project. Nor any externally created project for latest .NET versions can be opened. Reinstalling IDE on different hard drives, manual framework reinstalling and so on didn't bring success. IDE's are Ultimate Edition both.
I badly wish to solve the problem without attempting to reinstall my windows 7 home basic. Could anyone, please, give me some good piece of advice about it?
Try to install the .NET 4 Multitargeting Pack:
Multi-Targeting Pack for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.2 (KB2544526)
Multi-Targeting Pack for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.3 (KB2600213)